Madagascar 马达加斯加 => Our Countries/Territories and Corresponding Products
Our products are from all over the World.
Each nation has her own Chinese Zodiac Sign.
As a fact, as soon as her creation, a nation has already her pre-destination:
Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster,
Dog and Pig.
Her behaviour, her success, her historic role for the humanity on depend.
Please Check it here yourself...
Metal Rat

Fruits de Mer Tropicaux.
Fire Rooster

Fruits de Mer.
Earth Rooster

Cuisine des Îles, Alcool fort.
Earth Rabbit

Nation de suprême intelligence, le Lapin de Terre a inventé les chiffres numériques 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, algèbre, mathématiques.
Countries/Territories | Products per Country/Territory | Timezones | Chinese Zodiac Sign of the Nations of the World |
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